Villages of The World – English Info

Villages of the World is a global village event, aimed at uniting the villages of the world. Villages around the world are similar, although their situations may differ; Villages of the World is a meeting place for different people and cultures. Villages around the world are facing similar problems: young people moving into cities, older people trying to manage living at home, less and less services and work  available in the rural areas. Villages of the World festival wants to celebrate every aspect of village life, bringing positive energy into communities!

Villages of the World –event is also a marketing event for the villages, where social and communal connections are of great importance.

The first Villages of the World festival was held in 2004 at Lohijärvi in Finland. After that, the symbol of the festival ”The Rug of the World” has visited many villages. The event is coordinated by the Finnish registered association KyläHyve ry.